2019 Los Angeles Young Musician Winner's Concert & Award Ceremony, August 8, 2019
To: Contestants of Piano Solo Competition Categories, and Piano Concerto & Duet Categories, Strings/Voice/Ensemble Categories
Dear Lansum Festival Contestants & Families,
Our Welcome to August 8, 2019 Lansum Young Winner's Concert & Award Ceremony!
We had a wonderful festival and competition this year, we appreciate all of your efforts and performances to contribute to this year's events. We will invite selected performers from the top prize winners to perform at tonight's Winner's Concert.
The Winner's Concert and Award Ceremony will take place at 7:00pm at Garrison Theater, Scripps College, 231 E 10th St., Claremont, CA 91711.
We look forward to seeing you at today's Winner's Concert and Award Ceremony!
Sincerely yours,
The Committee Team
Lansum International Music Festival
Los Angels Young Musician International Competition
2019 Lansum Young Talent Show and Evening Concert, August 6, 2019
To: Contestants of Piano Solo Competition D & E Categories, and Piano Concerto & Duet Contestants:
Dear Lansum Festival Contestants & Families,
Welcome to August 6, 2019 Lansum Young Talent Show and Evening Concert!
It will be an exciting moment that we will announce at this concert tonight: who are our top winners of their competition categories.
We would like to invite our contestants to attend the Show with the 3-5 minutes per person to present their talent through their best part of the best music!
Our Lansum Music Festival Concert director will provide comments to our contestants, and judge their talent. In the meanwhile the audience will vote who is their first, second and third of the Most Talent Young Musician, and we will account the result in the end and post the winners of the Best Audience Award on the website.
Thanks for sharing the wonderful evening with us!
Sincerely yours,
The Committee Team
Lansum International Music Festival
Los Angels Young Musician International Competition
2019 Lansum Young Talent Show and Evening Concert, August 4, 2019
Dear Contestants of Piano Solo Competition A, B, C Categories, and Strings & Vocal Contestants:
Welcome to August 4, 2019 Lansum Young Talent Show and Evening Concert!
It will be an exciting moment that we will announce at this concert tonight: who are our top winners of their competition categories.
We would like to invite our contestants to attend the Show with the 1-2 minutes per person to present their talent through their best part of the best music!
Our Lansum Music Festival Improvisation director and our competition judges who are on the stage will provide comments to our contestants, and judge their talent. In the meanwhile the audience will vote who is their first, second and third of the Most Talent Young Musician, and we will account the result in the end and announce the winners of the Best Audience Award.
Thanks for sharing the wonderful evening with us!
Sincerely yours,
The Committee Team
Lansum International Music Festival
Los Angels Young Musician International Competition
2018 Los Angeles International Piano Competition Live Stream
2019 Los Angeles Young Musician International Competition
Please join us at our summer competition in August
2019 Los Angeles Young Musician International Competition Announcement - January 2, 2019
Dear Musicians,
We are pleased to announce that we will hold the Los Angeles Young Musician International Competition from August 3 to August 9, 2019. The competition is open up to 28 years old young musicians
If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us at info@laipc.org
Thanks to all and best wishes
Sincerely yours,
Los Angeles Young Musician International Competition Committee
2019 Los Angeles Young Musician International Competition - Important Dates
Application Deadline is due on June 30, 2019
Competition Registration starts on August 2, 2019
Competition will be take place on August 3-9, 2019 at Benson Auditorium & Garrison Theater, Claremont Colleges, CA
2019 Upcoming Events
2019 Los Angeles Young Musician International Competition will be held on August 3 to August 9, 2019
2019 Lansum International Music Festival will be held on July 20 to August 9, 2019 in Los Angeles, CA, USA